Sunday, 4 August 2013

The islands history / øernes historie....(everything is in english and danish / alt er på engelsk og dansk)

In this blog you can read about the Virgin Islands history from 3500b.c. to 1917 / 
I denne blog kan du læse om Jomfruøernes historie fra til 1917.

The Danish West Indies consisted of three small islands in the Caribbean situated to the east of Puerto Rico, namely St. Thomas since the 1672, St. John since 1718, and St. Croix from 1733. Altogether these islands make up only 333 square kilometers.
The colony was characterized by trade and shipping in St. Thomas and sugar plantations in St. Croix, whereas St. John was considered as just an appendix to the neighbor island St Thomas.
The three islands stayed a Danish colony until 1917 when they were sold to the United States. Since then it has been called United States Virgin Island (USVI)

Dansk Vestindien bestod af tre små øer I Caribbean beliggende øst for Puerto Rico. St. Thomas siden 1672, St. John siden 1718 og St. Croix (den største af øerne) siden 1733. Tilsammen udgør disse øer et areal på 333 kvadrat kilometer.
Kolonien var bygget op omkring handel og sø fart ved St. Thomas og sukker plantager på St. Croix. Den mindste ø St. John så man mere som lille forlængelse af naboøen St. Thomas.
De tre øer forblev en dansk koloni indtil 1917 hvor man derefter solgte øerne til USA. Siden er det blevet kaldt de Amerikanske Jomfruøer: United States Virgin Islands (USVI)


3500B.C. – 1550:  
Before the Europeans came to America, the Antilles were inhabited by Indians: Ortoroid, Ceramic, Ciboney, Arawak, and Carib tribes.

Før europæerne kom til Amerika var øerne beboet af indianske stammer som: Ortoroid, Ceramic, Ciboney, Arawakerne og Cariberne.

Christopher Columbus came to St. Croix on November 14th, and landed on Salt River Bay (North Shore). He was welcomed by lethal arrows in the air from the tribal people whom he had a quick conflict with. Spain is considered the first European nation to colonize, settle or conquer the island. Columbus was contracted by Spain and most surely captured “Indians” for slave labor before the Dutch and English came to the area. Columbus named the island “La Santa Cruz”, which means The Holy Cross.

Christopher Columbus ankom til St. Croix den 14. November og lagde til ved Salt River Bay.(Nordkysten). Han var budt velkommen af flyvende gift pile fra stamme folket som han havde en kort kamp med. Spanien ses som den første Europæiske nation der koloniserede øen. Columbus var sendt ud af det spanske kongehus og han har med sikkerhed haft taget indianerne til fange som slaver før at hollænderne og englænderne kom til området. Columbus døbte øen for ”La Santa Cruz”, som betyder det hellige kors.

The Spanish colonizers visited St. Croix off and on in the 15, 16 and 1700’s. They stayed on Puerto Rico but it was important to visit the islands around and police the general area. The same as cured in and around St. Thomas, St. John, Tortola, Vieques and more. All were named the Virgins, by Columbus who claimed them all for Spain.

De spanske kolonister besøgte St. Croix flere gange gennem det 15, 16 og 17. århundrede. De havde sat sig på Puerto Rico men det var vigtigt at besøge de andre øer for at holde øje med området. Det samme sket ved og på St. Thomas, St. John, Vieques med flere. Alle var opkaldt Jomfruerne af Columbus som havde beslaglagt alle øerne til Spanien.

The English were the first European country to formally settle St. Croix, but because of the same claim of ownership and the policing of the area the English were murdered and some transported to Puerto Rico.

England var det første Europæiske land der faktisk bosatte sig på St. Croix, men på grund Spanierne hævdede det samme ejerskab blev englænderne enten myrdet eller sendt til Puerto Rico.

St. Croix was colonized by both the Dutch and the English almost simultaneously.

St. Croix var koloniseret af bade Holland og England på samme tid.

English and Dutch fight a big fight after many small fights and disagreements over land and the legal rights to St. Croix because the British Governor was murdered in the Dutch Governor house, as a result the Dutch Governor was killed in a battle.

Englænderne og Hollænderne kommer i stor kamp efter mange små kampe og uoverensstemmelser over land og rettigheder til St. Croix. Den britiske Guvernør bliver myrdet i Det Hollandske Guvernør hus, og det resultere i at den Hollandske Guvernør bliver dræbt i krig.

Spanish murdered and drove the English off of St. Croix in August.

Spanierne myrder og fordriver englænderne fra St. Croix i August.

France drove off the Spanish through Monsignor Lonvilliers de Poincy who was the Governor of The French West Indies.

Frankrig fordriver Spanierne via Guvernøren af Fransk Vestindien Hr. Lonvillers de Poincy.

Denmark, already involved in the Slave Trade by way of colonizing Africa and forcefully exporting Africans as slaves, was now planning to join in on the complete European colonization of the Caribbean - eventually colonizing St. Thomas in 1672, St. John in 1718 and St. Croix in 1733.

Danmark, som allerede var involveret i slavehandlen via deres koloni i Afrika hvor de tvangssolgte slaver fra, planlagde nu at gå med på en Europæiske kolonisering af Caribbean. De fik koloniseret St. Thomas fra 1672, St. John i 1718 og St. Croix i 1733.

St. Croix was turned over to the French - Knights of Malta a very rich and powerful Catholic sect controlled the island for approximately fifteen years.

St. Croix blev overgivet til De Franske Riddere af Malta som var en meget rig og indflydelsesrig katolsk gruppe der kontrollerede øen for omkring halvtreds år.

The French Revolution created a French West Indian Company. French Town Basin (now Christiansted) was established by order of King Charles IV.

Den franske revolution kreerede et Fransk Vestindisk Kompagni. French Town Basin (nuværende Christiansed) var opbygget under ordre fra Kong Charles IV.

St. Thomas was colonized by Denmark.

St. Thomas blev koloniseret af Danmark

The French Crown, dissatisfied with how the island was being run, took over the management and fought Great Britain for St. Croix.

Det franske kongehus overtog ledelsen af øen da de ikke kunne lide den måde tingene blev kørt på, samt de gik imod Stor Britannien for St. Croix.

The French moved to Saint Dominique (Haiti), in large numbers and St. Croix’ Agricultural economy was not at a concentrated level. Haiti had more land and was not far away.

Franskmændene flyttede til Saint Dominique (Haiti) i store numre og St. Croix’ landbrugsøkonomi var ikke på noget koncentreret niveau.

Denmark set out to make a serious step into the Slave Triangle by establishing the Danish West Indian & New Guinea Company.

Danmark tog et seriøst skridt ind i slavehandlen ved at etablere det nye Dansk Vestindisk & Guineask Selskab.

St. John was colonized by Denmark

St. John koloniseres af Danmark

Denmark purchased St. Croix from France for $550,000 franc livres. Same year a big slave rebellions took place on St. John

Danmark køber St. Croix fra Frankrig for $550,000 franske livres. Samme år fandt et stort slaveoprør sted på St. John.

264 plantations on St. Croix have a bustling economy. It was so successful because the Danes had established the plantations in St. Croix by leasing the land to anyone that wanted land to cultivate for crops through the plantation system regardless of Nationality. Denmark was a neutral territory and this system was less discriminatory and open.

264 plantager på St. Croix havde en travl økonomi. Det var så succesfuldt fordi at danskerne havde etableret plantager på St. Croix ved at udleje grundene til dem der ville have et stykke land til at opdyrke deres afgrøder på via plantage drift, og det lige meget hvilken nationalitet man havde. Danmark var et neutralt område og dette system var mere åbent og mindre diskriminerende.

Fort Christianvaern was built in Christiansted in the years 1734-1749. Slaves were building the Fort with yellow Danish bricks and had to wait for new bricks to arrive with the ships.

Fort Christiansværn blev bygget i Christiansted i årene 1734-1749. Det var slaverne som byggede Fortet med de gule danske mursten som kom til øen med slaveskibene.

The Crown purchased the Danish West Indies & Guinea Company’s shares and assumed its obligations.

Den danske konge overtager Dansk Vestindisk & Guineask Kompagni.  

Fort Frederik was completed and named after King Frederik V.

Fort Frederik blev bygget færdigt og opkaldt efter Kong Frederik den 5.

The Danish King announces that the slave trade will stop in ten years and the planters were advised to use the time to “stock up” on the numbers of slaves.

Den danske Konge giver besked om at slavehandlen fra Afrika stopper om ti år og plantageejerne rådgives til at begynde at samle flere slaver ind.

The first British invasion takes place.   
Første engelske besættelse (Revolutionskrigene 1793-1802).

The slave trade ends in the Danish West Indies. But it is still allowed to have slaves and trade between the islands.  

Forbud mod slavehandel træder i kraft i Dansk Vestindien. Men det er stadig tilladt at have slaver og sælge mellem øerne.

The second British invasion takes place.

Anden engelske besættelse (Napoleonskrigene).

The economy peaks on the islands, followed by big crisis.

Økonomien topper i Dansk Vestindien, men efterfølges af stor krise.

Emancipation of the slaves takes place on July 3rd under the administration of Peter Von Scholten. The slave Buddhoe organized the revolution that led to freedom.

Slaverne frigives den 3. July under General Guvernør Peter von Scholten. Mark slaven Buddhoe stod for demonstrationen der førte til frigivelsen.

The capital was moved from St. Croix to St. Thomas. St. Thomas had a newly built the Governor’s mansion and a bustling trading economy.

Hovedstaden flyttede fra St. Croix til St. Thomas. Der havde man bygget et nyt Guvernørhus og havde en stigende handels økonomi.

“Fireburn” takes place on October 1st. A labour riot broke out among the unsatisfied blacks, during which Frederiksted was burned. During most of the second half of the nineteenth century St. Croix experienced general stagnation and decline followed by numerous social and economic problems.

”Fireburn” finder sted første oktober. Arbejderoprøret brød ud mellem utilfredse sorte og Frederiksted blev brændt ned til grunden. Gennem den sidste halvdel af det 19. århundrede oplevede St. Croix en stagnation, et fald, samt flere forskellige økonomiske problemer.

David Hamilton Jackson, a young black man from St. Croix, organized the first labor union in the Virgin Islands. He called a general strike numbering about 10.000 plantation workers of St. Croix. The strike was successful, the wages were increased and the working conditions were improved.

David Hamilton Jackson, en ung sort mand fra St. Croix, organiserede den første fagforening for arbejdere på Jomfruøerne. Han startede en strejke med omkring 10.000 plantage arbejdere på St. Croix. Strejken var succesfuld, lønningerne gik op og arbejdsforholdene for arbejderne blev forbedret.

“Transferday”. America purchases the islands for 25 million dollars, worth of gold.

”Transferday”, USA køber øerne af Danmark for 25 millioner i guld.

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